What is the Motor Accident Insurance Commission (MAIC)?
The Motor Accident Insurance Commission (MAIC) is the body which is responsible for regulating and managing Queensland’s Compulsory Third Party (CTP) insurance scheme. The Commission works to ensure that the scheme is administered effectively and operates efficiently. Additionally, the MAIC aims to reduce the number of motor accidents and improve road safety through education and awareness campaigns, including a dedicated First Nations education initiative.
What is Queensland’s Compulsory Third Party (CTP) Scheme?
The Queensland CTP scheme is designed to provide a fair and equitable system of compensation for people injured in motor vehicle accidents. It is administered by the MAIC on behalf of the Queensland Government and funded through premiums which are collected by CTP insurers.
Queensland’s CTP scheme is a mandatory insurance program which provides compensation to people who are injured in motor vehicle accidents or to their families when death arises from the accident. The scheme is designed to ensure that people injured in motor vehicle accidents have access to the necessary medical treatment, rehabilitation, and other support services they need to recover from their injuries and get back to their regular lives.
Under the CTP scheme, all registered vehicles in Queensland must have CTP insurance coverage. The cost of this coverage is included in the vehicle registration fee. If someone is injured or killed as a result of a motor vehicle accident, the at-fault driver’s CTP insurer is responsible for paying compensation to the injured person or their family, with the compensation usually including coverage for medical expenses and rehabilitation, replacement income, and a range of other costs associated with the injury and its effect on the injured party.
How much is Queensland’s CTP scheme costing me as a driver?
The MAIC works to ensure that Queensland’s CTP scheme is a cost-effective way to provide coverage for all drivers. As such, the mandatory contribution is rolled into the price of vehicle registration rather than being charged separately. A typical CTP claim is around $100,000 with some being as high as millions of dollars. Compensation in these amounts would be life-changing for drivers if they were required to pay from their own pockets but through the scheme, compensation costs are shared and can be kept low thanks to smaller contributions from owners of all registered vehicles.
How can the MAIC help people who have been injured in a motor vehicle accident?
MAIC can provide assistance to people seeking to make a claim for compensation after they have been injured in a motor vehicle accident or if they are making a claim after a loved one has been killed in a motor vehicle accident.
There are strict timeframes which apply to claims of this nature and specific evidence which must be sourced and provided in order to lodge a complete claim and increase your chances of being successful. If you are thinking of making a claim for compensation after a motor vehicle accident our personal injury lawyers can assist with the process.